FDIC Insurance

Since the founding of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in 1933 no depositor has lost a penny of FDIC-insured funds. You can learn more about FDIC insurance at the FDIC’s website
If safety is your primary concern, here are some options to maximize your FDIC insurance coverage:

  • Dickinson Financial Corporation has two OCC bank charters—Armed Forces Bank and Academy Bank—allowing you to open multiple accounts at each bank to receive maximum coverage.
  • The Bank also offers Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service (CDARS) which enables large depositors to spread out funds across multiple CDs held at different banks, while managing them under a single umbrella.
  • The Bank is also a member of the Insured Cash Sweep (ICS) network where money market account deposits are participated amongst the network banks in amounts below $250,000, which allows your deposits to be insured up to the maximum FDIC limit.

For more information on how to get ICS or CDARS coverage, call Armed Forces Bank at 866-277-4539 or email businessbanking@academybank.com.

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Academy Bank accepts Telecommunications Relay Services calls during regular operating hours, including TTY Relay Service (711 calls) and Video Relay Service. Please find more detail under the related FAQ above.

Bank Routing Number

Bank by Mail
General Mail PO Box
PO Box 26458
Kansas City, MO 64196

Deposit Only Mailbox
PO Box 26744
Kansas City, MO 64196