Buyers Protection and Extended Warranty (Debit Advantage®)

Yes, you must complete a claim form and provide all required documentation no later than 90 days from the date of loss.
Buyer’s Protection applies to the first 90 calendar days after product purchase anywhere in the United States, Puerto Rico, or the US Virgin Islands.

  • No, Buyers Protection and Extended Warranty apply to new purchases (unless otherwise excluded) where the entire purchase price is paid using a Select Rewards Checking account.
  • Buyer’s Protection covers new purchases for the first 90 days after the purchase.
  • Extended Warranty covers new purchases having a manufacturer’s U.S. warranty of 5 years or less.
  • See the terms and conditions link for other limitations.

Top FAQs

Still Have Questions?
Academy Bank accepts Telecommunications Relay Services calls during regular operating hours, including TTY Relay Service (711 calls) and Video Relay Service. Please find more detail under the related FAQ above.

Bank Routing Number

Bank by Mail
General Mail PO Box
PO Box 26458
Kansas City, MO 64196

Deposit Only Mailbox
PO Box 26744
Kansas City, MO 64196